The Buang Biker™ at die Große Scheiße Creek

Yes, I know. It’s been 3 long months since my last post. The road to recovery has been long. I’ve been out for rides, but nothing too fascinating or interesting. I’ve seen a thing or two like the memorial to a bicyclist who was run over by a car and killed. While riding on the Rail Trail! There will be a post on that in future. There was that trip in the heat last week that landed me in the hospital. That was a story. But over all nothing I could really be glib about. Until tonight.

While Henergy-on-Wheels™ was in a PICL (practice), yours truly rode the northern extension of the York County Heritage Rail Trail. It’s only an 8 mile trip, it is slightly more challenging than the rest of the Rail Trail that runs from the state line to the City of York.

At one end is the beautiful and big John C. Rudy Park. At the other end, Route 30. Woo!

What makes the Route 30 end so interesting is this cool refreshing cascade of water.

Or not.

As you may remember (and if you don’t you can always go back and reread my post), I learned the Hollow Creek Greenway should really be called Scheiße Creek Greenway. If that’s the case, then this is the BIG Scheiße Creek.

All the scheiße in the greater York metropolitan area flows through the plant in the background before cascading into the creek. The deer and the geese don’t seem to mind. However, I’m certainly glad the potable water plant is upstream from the cascade.

Until next time: pedal on!


I’m just an average guy living and working in The Sprawl who likes to bicycle for fun and fitness.

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